Sunday, December 28, 2008

I'M ONE!!!

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! I know, I can't believe it either.
It seems like just yesterday I was hanging on in my bassinet in the hospital and now I'm a big one year old with a very loud voice and lots of opinions. Since my birthday is so close to Christmas, we kept our celebration low-key.

Hanging out with Mommy.

The boys.

Ben helping me open my presents.

I love my brother.

We went out to dinner where I ate pizza and played with crayons (and, okay, maybe tried to eat one of those too. It did not taste good.)

Then we had cake. Guess who picked out my Spiderman candle? I'll give you a hint: his name begins with B and rhymes with "ten".

Let me at that cake!

Is it really for me?

Yum...that's good stuff.

Ice cream too. This is a new one for me.

Okay, maybe we'll work up to the ice cream.

I'm tired and I'm covered in chocolate. Help me!

Everything is better in the tub.

Happy Birthday to me!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


We got a ton of snow this past weekend! This is not my first winter or my first snow, but I was too young to enjoy last winter. I have to say that, while I do appreciate the actual snow, my snowpants are a thorn in my side. I can barely move in them! If you read my previous post, you understand why this is a problem for me. Mommy and Daddy said I didn't have a choice in the matter and I had to wear the snowpants because they would keep me warm.
I liked sitting in the snow for a minute but then I toppled over (again, due to my lack of movement control in the snowpants) and I got snow on my face. Then I decided I hated snow and wailed until someone removed me from the situation.
Maybe the next storm will be more fun.

Climbing Sammy

I am really close to walking. I practice cruising around the house holding on to furniture (and people) all day long. Then I realized if I just pick my knee up a little bit, I can actually get on top of things! This is way more fun.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


My Grammy sent me a dinosaur blanket. It is really soft and I love it. I tried to take a nap in the middle of the floor. Mommy wants one too because she hopes to take a nap someday.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Mr. Opinionated

As I close in on my first birthday, I am developing quite a personality. I am curious about everything and I want to grab as much as I can get my hands on. This usually involves everyone else's food or my brother's toys. When I find something I like, I will not be distracted. Even if Ben and I are both drinking apple juice, I must have his cup because it is automatically better.

I am cruising around holding on to the furniture. Sometime I like to move the furniture if it's in my way. I think I might try walking pretty soon. We'll see if the mood strikes me.

Here's a cute video of me talking to Mommy at lunch time.