Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Yummy crib

Why, yes, it does taste good. Thank you very much.

Happy Carrot Baby

I love me some veggies. I wear them well, don't you think?

I've heard that carrots are the new black.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sort of standing

I like to practice standing in my crib. I need assistance getting into this position but the chubby legs are very good at holding me up. Ben likes to "help" by showing me how to stand up. What a show-off.

But I love him anyway.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Trying to crawl

I know there has to be more to life than just sitting on my blanket all the time. I am determined to find a way to get to things that are just out of my reach. I would really like to try this "crawling" thing I've heard about. I am not quite sure how it works. I can get my hands going but my legs aren't working with me yet. So far, I just fall over but I am working on it.

Me and Owen down by the schoolyard

Owen and I usually spend trips to the playground like this:

Stuck in a stroller and mad, mad, mad. We have a bet on how many times we'll hear the phrase "sit here and entertain each other" during our first years of life.
This week, I am happy to say, we made it out of the stroller and into the baby swings! I wasn't sure what to do with the newfound freedom, so I tried to eat the swing.

Then I realized it didn't taste good and it was more fun to just sit back and enjoy. Yeah, swings!

Do we look alike?

Sam @ 7 months

Ben @ 8 months