Sunday, May 10, 2009

Super Cheese

In honor of Mother's Day, here is Mommy's favorite recent picture of me.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Good Morning, Sam!

Sometimes in the morning, Ben and I wake up at the same time. When Ben wakes up, he likes to leave the bedroom and find Mommy or Daddy.

I, of course, am unfairly confined to my crib and am forced to wail until someone comes and rescues me so you'll understand why I get a little miffed when Ben runs off without me.

Now that I am learning more words, I am able to express myself more effectively.

Ben and I had this conversation on Saturday morning:

Me (just waking up): Dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, Ben, Ben, Ben
(Then, seeing Ben trying to sneak out the door)
Me: No!
Ben: I'm going out there now
Me: No!
Ben: I'll be right back
Me: No!
Ben (walking to the window and pulling back the shade): See, Sammy, it's daytime. It's time to get up.
Me: Train!
Ben: I'm going out there now
Me: No!
Ben: Yes!
Me: Done!
Ben: Does "done" mean "yes"?
Ben: (whimper)
(Daddy finally comes in and rescues us)

If Ben can figure out how to get me out of the crib maybe I will be a little more lenient letting him leaving the room.

Covered in mud and loving it

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hand sanitizing

Please watch carefully as I demonstrate this important method of flu prevention.