Sunday, January 20, 2008

My life so far

Me and my bear discussing what we think of the outside world

I can't be bothered to stay awake for an entire conversation.

I spend most of my time (during the day) sleeping. My favorite place to sleep is on Daddy. He's very comfy. If I could just convince him that he really wants to sleep sitting up holding me every night, we'd be all set.

I am also a good eater, although I haven't yet worked up to eating meatballs.

When I am not sleeping or eating, I like to look around with a startled look on my face.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Sam, I love your little startled look, you are viewing the world with gusto! The Pats won today because you and your big brother wore your number 12!
Your Mommy is looking good! I bet you let her sleep all night long, right sweetheart?

Love, Grammy and Papa