Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Learning how to be a big boy

If you haven't seen me in awhile, you wouldn't even recognize me now! I am getting so big, probably because I eat constantly. My favorite snacks are cheerios, baby mum-mums and freeze dried strawberries. If I can get my hands on some chocolate, I am a big fan of that as well (see picture).

I've learned how to say "more", "please" and "all done" in sign language and I usually use these in relation to food. I also know the sign for "duck" which I do whenever I read my favorite book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?" I like to growl whenever I see any type of animal besides a duck. When I see a duck, I try to quack.

I am starting to learn some words in English also. My first word was "ball" which, by strange coincidence, was also Ben's first word when he was my age. I also say "Ben", "done", "cracker" and something resembling "brother" and "diaper". I try to say "Benjamin" when I am in a more formal mood. I'll sometimes throw in a "Mama" or "Dada" but it's generally all about the Benjamins.

I am very good at stacking toys and putting things on top of other things. Ben says that I am learning how to be a big boy.

I am getting ready to take steps any day now. I can get around pretty quickly while holding on to the furniture and the wall. I like to stand on my own but I know I can get around faster by speed crawling so I haven't attempted any unassisted steps yet. Mommy and Daddy suspect that I will be like my brother in this respect as well. As soon as I get going, I won't stop!


Anonymous said...

Oh Sammy,my how you've grown! Can't wait to hear that sweet voice. You will have to teach Grammy and Papa the sign language you know. See you soon.

Love, Grammy and Papa

Anonymous said...

It won't be long before the speed crawling will be speed running. Mommy will need to polish up her track shoes....and Ben will help her catch you. He wil a wonderful big brother.
Love you both,

Anonymous said...

Well GGma's not really anonymous, but sometimes I click on the wrong thing...

Love you,