Friday, December 12, 2008

Mr. Opinionated

As I close in on my first birthday, I am developing quite a personality. I am curious about everything and I want to grab as much as I can get my hands on. This usually involves everyone else's food or my brother's toys. When I find something I like, I will not be distracted. Even if Ben and I are both drinking apple juice, I must have his cup because it is automatically better.

I am cruising around holding on to the furniture. Sometime I like to move the furniture if it's in my way. I think I might try walking pretty soon. We'll see if the mood strikes me.

Here's a cute video of me talking to Mommy at lunch time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a handsome boy. I love your little laugh, it makes me smile. Soon you will be "running" with you big brother.

Love you little guy.

Love, Grammy and Papa